
Friday, October 26, 2018

four items, one paragraph

I hesitated for a bit, trying to keep my composure. When was the time I last saw him...? I don't remember but it has been a while now. We're about to meet again, hoping that he won't be mad at me for taking a long time to return. I took a deep breath and entered only to be greeted by someone and ask me if I was looking for a specific person. "E-Emiliano Gonzaga." It's been a while since I've said that name. Has it been two years? More? I wasn't so sure. I stuttered, but I could've sworn I never developed a stutter. Was it the hesitation in me that made it happen? "This way, miss." She told me. Tap, tap, tap. Her heels echoed as she walked. Was she even aware of the noise she's making in this very quiet place? No? Then she should. I stopped as she suddenly made a halt and faced her left. "T-thank you..." I stuttered again. It's getting annoying. I swear I don't have a stutter. But it made me think for a moment, was it because I don't have the courage to see him? I mean, I'm here... Just a few exertions of force, I'll see him again. And I did. Behind the door, there he lies. A coffin so white, as white that it probably represented Heaven's colour. Candles about the coffin as if giving emphasis to the bed has laid on. There he is... Hello, granddad. We've met again. They looked at me, not sure whether they're happy to see me or not. I slowly made my way, trying my best to ignore their looks and there he is... in front of me. His face showed peace and calm. I observed his chest in hope that it may rise but to no avail. I tapped the casket. Tap, tap, tap. Yet he remained still. We've met again, but I guess I went a little too late. 

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