
Monday, March 2, 2020

[ESOL] 2020 Reflection

The first few weeks of school have been quite rough for me because my mental and physical health deteriorated. During my break in school, I always think about how am I going to catch up with my tasks in school and how am I going to prepare myself for my upcoming assessments. On days I am able to complete the whole school day, I would always do the task as much as I can but I know it would somehow be not enough. I know that I should strive better when my health is in good condition, and do what I can when my health hinders me to do so much work. Right now, I want to do whatever I can to catch up and so far my performances have been okay. I still hope for recovery physically and mentally!

[ESOL] Goals for 2020.

My goals from 2019 haven't changed a bit and are still the same goals I want to aim for this year.
Academically, I want to learn more and encounter my weaknesses in different fields. I want to take care more of myself to be healthier when it comes to practical work such as music and drama. I want to be more mentally prepared for my assessments and stay calm in every situation. I also want to learn about failing, I want to learn more from my mistakes and use them to improve my strategies, academically and in real life. I also hope for mental recovery.