Title of Book: Matariki
Author: Waitangi Teepa
Genre/Text Type: Informative
Date Read: 19th February 2020
This text was about Matariki, a group of seven stars. Matariki is also the alternative name for the
Maori New Year.
Maori New Year.
I chose to read this text because I am very interested in astrology. It also gives me more information about
Maori culture.
Maori culture.
One interesting feature was how the stars appear for most of the year but disappear in late Aprils and
return somewhere between May and June.
return somewhere between May and June.
A quote/evidence that shows this is “You can see the stars of Matariki for most of the year, but they
disappear in the night sky of Aotearoa in Late April. The stars appear again in winter (in late May or early
June). This means that the star of Matariki disappears for a short while and appears again in winter.
Matariki is also the time where we cherish our time with our loved ones and leave everything that hurts and
burdens us behind.
disappear in the night sky of Aotearoa in Late April. The stars appear again in winter (in late May or early
June). This means that the star of Matariki disappears for a short while and appears again in winter.
Matariki is also the time where we cherish our time with our loved ones and leave everything that hurts and
burdens us behind.
This interests me because there is astrology to explain how the stars of Matariki disappear and appear for a
particular time. It also shows how we all connect to each other and learn moral values as this event passes.
particular time. It also shows how we all connect to each other and learn moral values as this event passes.
I can relate to the main characters' ways of celebrating Matariki by being with my own family and reflect on my own actions as a person. I fully relate because I was raised family-oriented and being good and forgiving because we are all capable of doing wrong.
The characters remind me of everyone who is with their families, physically or not. We are all connected with each other through our values, beliefs, and similarities. We also share a culture that everyone has a tradition of celebrating or following.