
Thursday, November 22, 2018

AMER1C9N HI2T0RY - passion project 2018

Bugsy Malone was set in New York 1920s where gangs are relevant in society. The ambience of an American city back in the 1920s is busy yet calm. 1920 infrastructure already comprised of improved standards in residential homes and also the proliferation of the skyscrapers for commercial buildings.
It was during the 1920s the politicians of the industry wanted to upgrade the low-cost housing standards and make it more affordable.
 The 1920s had a well-known set of fashion designer namely: Gabrielle Chanelle, Jean Lanvin, Jean Patou and etc., the 1920s trends were more on drop waist dresses. with a loose f7it, mary jane heels and bobbed haircuts. Muted and pastel palettes were very popular in that era and women didn't go out showing their bare legs, they wear stockings especially when they're in their flapper costumes. Men had always worn a suit, only with different collars during occasions. The suits are mostly made of wool, and jackets are either single or double breasted. Men's pants had always been high waist with a flat front, and usually narrowly fit in the early 1920s. It's also usually held up with suspenders. 1920s shirts were also sewn in vertical stripes with a mixture of colours. Most of the shirts either had attached collars or had a detachable one.
In the 1920s, women are already allowed to vote and have a stable career for themselves. This era has been called as the roaring twenties because of economic prosperity, social, artistic, and cultural dynamism. The women were given the name of "flappers" meaning women were bolder and had more freedom in the clothing and mannerisms. Marriage was also a priority for most people, yet family life had few children. There was a job in the 1920s where individuals are called "knocker uppers" whose job is to wake up other workers. For women, seamstressing is a job where you put up together flappers for female partygoers.

In the 1920s, the Americans received more disposable income for their entertainment. Movie and sports became more popular during this decade. Moving pictures or cinema became a big part of the early decade. During the 1920s, radios have already been a common feature in American homes. Audiences enjoyed team sports, mainly baseball. Children also enjoyed a variety of activities such as checkers, jacks, and dominoes. Girls played with toy sewing machines and Raggedy Ann dolls. Wind up toys and tinkertoys were also popular back then.

Monday, November 12, 2018

music - performing arts

What has been your favourite project this year and why?
- I haven't been in this school for a while, so I haven't done many projects. This music performance, was my first performance so I hope I did well with it.

What have you found challenging about music this year?
- As mentioned, I haven't been here for a long time. Being able to perform this term was my first time and I think the challenging part about it singing in front of the audience. Not that I haven't performed in front, but I haven't sung with an audience for a little while now.

 What advice would you give to the Year 10 students 2019?
- If you're taking music, you better be sure that you joined in this class because it is your passion. Even if it is not your passion, but at least have the determination to at least learn one piece in the class. The music industry is beautiful, it's not bad to give this phase a shot.

Goals for 2019.
- Better vocal and breathing techniques, fight stage fright and hopefully have more opportunities to perform.

music performance evaluation.

What did you perform?
 - I performed Liza Soberano's Spark with a guitar.

With who? on your own?
- I performed on my own.

Why did you choose that performance?
 I've been singing that song for two years now, it holds a sentimental value whenever I sing it. It wasn't because of the lyrics but because it was a song used as my former class' presentation for our prom night in ninth grade (or year 9 here). We had a very strong bond, so this song means a lot to me and I performed it because I can sing it with enough emotions needed for that song.

Were you happy with your performance? Why?
 - In all honesty, I wasn't. For a little while now I've noticed how fragile my voice becomes whenever I sing in front of a number of people. Back in ninth grade, I lost my confidence in reaching high notes because my voiced cracked during the singing contest. After that, my technique hasn't gotten any better and whenever I try to sing in front of an audience, my voice gets weak. I didn't like this performance because I've gotten unstable during the middle part and how bad my sustain is due probably because of my wrong breathing technique.

If you could perform again, what would you change?
- I would love to perform with a better vocal and breathing technique. I've been tensing and straining a lot so I would love to improve those parts.

Friday, November 9, 2018

video game character gone rogue

I haven't finished this game for ages already, but I guess I have the time to continue it with a different route. They seem to be aware of their surrounding, breaking the fourth wall at every opportunity they find. He's trying me to not to take this path. Genocide run, this game's path wherein you kill all of the monsters in Mt. Ebott possible.  I know he is aware of I took this route, I killed Toriel on my first encounter. I killed everyone I encountered in this run: his brother, his friends, his company. 'If you keep going the way you are now... you're gonna have a bad time.' He already warned me. They already recognised me as the first human.  They begged for me to spare their lives, but I didn't.

"i t' s  a  b e a u t i f u l  d a y  o u t s i d e . "
"b i r d s  a r e  s i n g i n g, f l o w e r s  a r e  b l o o m i n g. "
" o n  d a y s  l i k e  t h e s e, k i d  s  l i k e  y o u  s h o u l d  b e . . . "

It was too fast for me to catch up. His beams are everywhere.

"Heya, you've been busy huh?" He was facing me. He suddenly paused for a while. "So I've got a question for ya." I kept the silence to make him continue, he knew I was paying close attention. "Do you think even the worst person can change...? That everyone can be a good person if they just try?" he chuckled. "All right... Well here's a better question." I know that grin he makes, it's the usual grin you see from him everyday but this time the vibe in him changed. "Do you wanna have a bad time?"
I knew it. "because if you take another step forward... you are REALLY not going to like what happens next." I came this far for this run, I spared no one in the path. I didn't feel any mercy.

I took a step forward.

"Welp... Sorry, old lady." The game's about to start.

"this is why I never make promises."